Anda VITOLS’ COVID-19 RESOURCES for data scientists
spring - 2020
- Public health (understanding & dealing with covid19)
- Regional business and economics (determining needs during pandemic)
- Municipal infrastructure, monitoring, reinforcement (supportive implementation during pandemic)
- Community involvement & volunteering (practical help for front-line workers, marginalized, and for well-being of everyone)
For voluntary compliance of public health recommendations, realistic and practical support is needed in municipal infrastructure, businesses, and employees during the shutdown periods to avoid bankruptcies and financial hardships. A consistent, cooperative message between public health and all levels of government is needed for public trust.
Overall the solution to a stealth pandemic like COVID19, favours a community-based attitude, not a fear-based approach using law enforcement tactics. Interacting with respect and kindness with each other is key. Why? Because people function best from a position of kindness, than a position of fear. People follow principles and procedures better than rules and threats. In difficult situations, people need a sense of control, at least in their immediate surroundings, to maintain well-being.
So far Waterloo Region is cooperating very well overall, and we are encouraged to continue. That’s fantastic! So far in Canada, compliance has been voluntary. Even though enforcement laws are in place for this pandemic, rarely have they been used. That’s comforting!
Therefore, from a data and social science point of view, we are studying a large a group of people that embrace our differences and are caring of each other. Only a very small percent of the population is rebellious and destructive.
Pandemic Epidemiologist Models
- Methods to describe spread of disease
- Derivative - rate of change over time
- Bayes - rate of probabilities over time
- Statistics - snapshot of variable(s) at different points in time
- Methods to look for heterogeneity (similarities, groups, clusters)
- Goal1: IF identify unique group
- THEN can potentially isolate it from the rest of population while disease takes normal course
- Goal2: IF identify unique factors that
- increase - the spread of disease
- decrease - the spread of disease
- THEN public health provides recommendations to decrease risk of disease
Machine learning is incredibly useful. Medical research is a field in data science where ML has rarely been used for manipulative purposes. It is easy to use inappropriate datasets and make biased conclusions in social sciences. In medicine, however, properties and methods of biological components have hashes that machine learning algorithms need for exploratory and diagnostic research. The conclusions educated guesses, but the datasets are reliable.
- Methods to describe virus behavior:
- Virus structure & mutations
- Incubation
- important for epidemiologists to know incubation time and contagiousness levels during that time
- Immunity
- important for epidemiologists to know how immune people are after recovery from different levels of exposure
- Methods to describe testing:
- Types of tests - dna, blood
- Accuracy of tests (decrease false positives, and false negatives)
- Increased testing advantages
- increase target groups tested, so more accurate treatment can be administered
- ability to more accurately understand the spread of the virus
- Methods to describe vaccine behavior:
March 2020
- Who: Leonid Zhuhov
- Mathematical Modeling of Epidemics. Lecture 1: basic SI/SIS/SIR models explained.
- Mathematical Modeling of Epidemics. Lecture2: Epidemics on networks
April 2020
- Institution: COMBINE: computation & mathematics for biological networks
- Program: Network Epidemiology Online Workshop Series
- Net-COVID Session1A: Network Epidemiology Tutorial by Laurent Hebert-Dufresne
- Net-COVID Session2A: Network Epidemiology Tutorial by YY Ahn
- Net-COVID Session3A: Human mobility and control measures in the COVID-19 epidemic by Sam Scarpino
- Net-COVID Session4A: Math Models of Epidemic Spreading in the Time of COVID-19 by Ginestra Bianconi
- Independent reports
- Explains effect of spread disease during the incubation period, when people are usually asymptomatic
- Explains simple mathematical model of spread of disease
- Meta (reports database)
- Wikipedia
- 2020 corona virus pandemic in Canada - Wikipedia
- 2020 corona virus pandemic in Ontario - Wikipedia
- Kaggle
- Datasets:
- Reports:
- CSSEGIS and Data
- - c/o John Hopkins School of Engineering- Baltimore MD
- Data on cases by location worldwide
- Master
- Daily: exp. march 16 2020
- National Library of Medicine
- Data on the disease structure
- Search results for: SARS-CoV-2
- Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome
- Kaggle
- COVID19 Datasets for Machine Learning
- curated by Sasha Luccioni (Mila)
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