RETIRED WEB DEVELOPER - UX ANALYST [1997 - 2017 = 20 years]
(Dev | Design | Content | UX UI | Analytics)
Interactive web developer. Pioneered first smart user workstations. Created marketing, accounting and tracking platforms for large corporations such as Ontario New Home Warranty Program, IBM, Bank of Montreal and RIM-BlackBerry. Developed large online education platforms for World Wildlife Federation, Toronto Maple Leafs, K12 Global.
(COBOL | Mainframe Operations)
Web Developemnt & UX Analytics Projects for Large Corporations
User Experience Analyst - Creative House, Toronto (2012-2017)
Microsoft Solutions Developer, Aquent, Toronto (1998-2001)
Microsoft Solutions Developer - Interactive Website Designer, Codefusion, Toronto (1997-2000)
Computer Operator Programmer, Boehmers, Kitchener (1987-1991)
IT Employment Portfolio (1986-2017) - full details:

Prestoh (Mobile Business Cards) (2014-2016)
Conducted UX analysis for online business card application. Suggestions to increase application scope were prototyped.
BlackBerry Mobile Phones (Sales Campaign) (2014)
Built a tracking system was built for BlackBerry Sales Representatitves, including incentives for sales personnel for reaching targets.
IRIS (IBM's International Sales Tracking System) (1998-2000)
Created proof-of-concept database to beused for IBM's international sales tracking system. I solely designed and developed this pilot database using Microsoft's database design tools to design logistics of data flow.
Order Express (Ontario New Home Warranty Program's Online eCommerce Library) (1996-2000)
A first-of-its-kind online commerce platform and library was developed. Because it was a first, I was involved in all aspects of design, research, developemnt and testing. That's why this project still stands out as my favorite! I designed and developed database, transferred to SQL server and coded server and client-side scripts. I created flash animation, sound editing, vector and bitmap graphics for site site and performed follow-through quality control testing, telemetry and statistical monitoring.

DETAILS: Prestoh (Mobile Business Cards) (2014-2016) Prestoh Mobile Business Cards - Application Screen Shots:

DETAILS: Order Express (Ontario New Home Warranty Program's Online eCommerce Library) (1996-2000)
Summary of ONHWP User Documentation
The document is a project summary and documentation for the Order Express Version 1.0 Ontario New Home Warranty Program.
This document outlines the functionality and implementation of Order Express, as well as provides details on the site construction, database, and administration.
Here are the key points from the document:
  1. Order Express runs on MS Windows NT Server with MS Internet Information Server 3.0 and Active Server Pages (ASP). This combination allows for a browser-independent shopping experience, with the only requirement being that the browser accepts "cookies".
  2. The goal of Order Express is to provide an interactive shopping experience for the end user. Users can view products online, place items in a shopping basket, and process them into an order if desired. This provides access to the most current publications, allows for previewing of documents, and facilitates order processing.
  3. Order Express uses a database to store all the information from the Product and Services Catalogue. This allows for easy updating and maintenance of products without having to recreate HTML pages. The database also stores customer and order information for future reference and analysis.
  4. The products in Order Express are categorized into three categories: Consumers, Builders/Vendors, and Technical Information. Each product has two prices: Consumer Price and Registered Builder Price. The builder price is used to calculate the builder discount if the customer enters a builder number.
  5. Some items in Order Express have a "First One Free" policy, where the first copy is free and additional copies have a cost. The costs associated with these items are adjusted accordingly.
  6. Order processing in Order Express differs based on whether the order is no-cost or requires payment. No-cost orders are recorded in the database and emailed for processing. Orders that require payment are recorded but payment must be submitted by mail or fax.
  7. Shipping costs in Order Express depend on whether the order is no-cost or requires payment. No-cost orders within continental North America have no additional shipping charges. Orders within Canada that require payment also have no additional shipping charges, but orders outside of Canada have a $15 shipping charge.
  8. The end user experience in Order Express includes a main page where users can select categories, a shopping basket where users can view and modify their selected items, and a customer information page where users can input their details for order processing.
  9. Order Express Administration is a separate section accessed through a restricted area of the site. It allows for maintaining the database, adding new products, updating existing products, and reviewing orders.
  10. The site construction of Order Express includes the use of Active Server Pages (ASP), a database for storing product and order information, Flash for graphics and animation, and virtual directories for organizing the site structure.
In Order Express, the following tables are used:
  1. Products: This table stores information about each product, including its description, price, availability, and other details.
  2. CustomerInfo: This table stores information submitted by customers, such as their shipping information.
  3. Orders: This table matches an order with a customer and includes the date and time of the order.
  4. OrderDetails: This table matches products with the orders identified in the Orders table, providing details about the products included in each order.
  5. Categories: This table lists the various product categories in Order Express, such as Consumers, Builders/Vendors, and Technical Information.
  6. BndProdCat: This table binds the products to their respective categories, linking them together.
  7. ProdType: This table lists the possible types of products in the Technical Information category, such as Manuals, Booklets, Case Study, Building Smart, and Videos.
These tables are used to store and organize the product, customer, and order information in Order Express, allowing for efficient management and retrieval of data.

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