• ch1) The Global Issues of Biological Psychology
  • ch2) Nerve Cells & Nerve Impulses
  • ch3) Synapses & Drugs
  • ch4) Anatomy of the Nervous System & Methods of Investigation
  • ch5) Development & Evolution of the Brain
  • ch6) Vision
  • ch7) The Nonvisual Sensory Systems
  • ch8) Movement
  • ch9) Rhythms of Wakefulness & Sleep
  • ch10) The Regulation of Internal Body States
  • ch11) Hormones & Sexual States
  • ch12) Emotional Behaviors & Stress
  • ch13) The Biology of Learning & Memory
  • ch14) Lateralization & Language
  • ch15) Recovery from Brain Damage
  • ch16) Biology of Mood Disorders (Depression), Schizophrenia, and Autism
  • AppA: Genetic & Evolution
  • AppB: Brief, Basic Chemistry
  • AppC: Society of Neuroscience Guidelines for Animal Research

ch2) Biological Basis of Behavior | Review ch2
Organism as Machine
  • Descartes and the reflex concept | the basic nervous system functions: reception, integration, reaction
Nerve Cell and Nerve Impulse
  • the neuron | the electric activity of the neuron
Interaction among Nerve Cells
  • the reflex | inferring the synapse | the synaptic mechanism
Interaction through the Bloodstream: The Endocrine System
Main Structures of the Nervous System
  • evolution of central control | peripheral and central nervous systems | hierarchical function in the nervous system
Cerebral Cortex
  • projection areas | association areas | one brain or two? | recovery from brain injury
Some Problems in Localizing Brain Function
  • what is the psychological function? | who's in charge?

ch3) Motivation | Review ch3
Motivation as Direction
  • control systems
  • homeostasis | temperature regulation
  • volume receptors | osmoreceptors
  • signals for feeding | hypothalamic control centers | food selection | obesity | anorexia and bulimia
Fear and Rage
  • threat and the autonomic nervous system | disruptive effects of autonomic arousal
Sleep and Waking
  • waking | sleep
What Different Motives Have in Common
  • level of stimulation | drugs and addiction | opponent-process theory of motivation | biology of reward | nature of motives

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