• Cognition, 3rd Ed.
    Margaret W. Matlin
    1994 (orig 1983) Harcourt Brace Publishers
    by Holt, Rinehart & Winston Inc.
  • not in library
  • CONTENTS Cognition 3rd ed. Matlin
  • Contains contents and theories
    around which Cognition studies organized

PS100 - Gleitman textbook
ch7) Memory | Review ch7 Memeory
Studying Memory
  • Stage Theory of memory | a changed emphasis: active memory and organization
  • relation between original encoding and retrieval | elaborative rehearsal | memory search | implicit memory | retrieval from active memory
Conceptual Frameworks and Remembering
  • memory distortions | limits of memory | limits of distortion
Varieties of Long-term Memory
  • generic memory | visual memory
  • theories of forgetting | when forgetting seems not to occur
Disordered Memories
  • anterograde amnesia | retrograde amnesia | explicit and implicit memory revisited
Taking Stock

ch8) Thinking | Review ch8 Thinking
Components of Thought
  • mental imagery | abstract elements
Problem Solving
  • hierarchical organization and chunking obstacles to problem solving | overcoming obstacles to solution | restructuring
Artificial Intelligence: Problem Solving by Computer
  • algorithms and heuristics | some limitation of artificial intelligence
Special Thinking
  • spacial problem solving and imagery | is spacial knowledge visual?
Reasoning and Decision Making
  • deductive reasoning | inductive reasoning | decision making | are people really irrational?
A backward Look a Perception, Memory, and Thinking

ch9) Language | Review ch9 Language
Major Properties of Human Language
  • language is creative | language is structured | language is meaningful | language is referential | language is interpersonal
Structure of Language
  • phonemes | morphemes and words | phrases and sentences
Linguistic Hierarchy and Meaning
  • meaning of words | organizing words into meaningful sentences
  • sentence analyzing machinery | interaction of syntax and semantics
Growth of Language in the Child
  • problem of language learning | is language learning the acquisition of a skill?
Language Development
  • social origins of speech production | discovering the forms of language | the one-word speaker | the two-word (telegraphic) speaker | later stages of language learning: syntax | further stages of language learning: word meaning
Language Learning in Changed Environments
  • wild children | isolated children | language without sound | language without a model | children deprived of access to some of the meanings | case of Helen Keller
Language Learning with Changed Endowments
  • critical period hypothesis | language in nonhumans
Language and Its Learning

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