This section outlines peer-reviewed methods to assess human traits.
Psychologists use assessments for individual analysis.
Data Scientists use these scientific paradigms from peer-reviewed psychological studies to help classify and target groups of people.
  • Business Communication and Marketing Applications:
    The “OCEAN” model is very popular amongst data scientists, as there is most code openly available for its use. This model has been used both ethically and unethically. Ethically, the target groups are a weighted combination of all the bipolar axes, and is used to match a person to their authentic selves within overall highest good. Unethically, the “N” for “neurotic” axis is used to isolate people motivated by fear, and then to create more fear, in order to control their behaviour.
Personality Project:

PS100 - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES  - Gleitman textbook
ch16) Intelligence: Its Nature and Measurement | Review ch16
Mental Tests
  • study of variance | evaluating mental tests | using tests for selection
Intelligence testing
  • measuring intelligence | area of application: mental retardation
Psychometric Approach to Intelligence
  • structure of mental abilities | intelligence and age
Information-Processing Approach to Intelligence
  • simple cognitive correlates | complex cognitive correlates | strategies and intellectual functioning
Nature, Nurture, and IQ
  • some political issues | genetic factors | environment factors | heritability | group differences in IQ
ch17) Assessment and Trait Approach | Review ch17
Methods of Assessment
  • structured personality tests | unstructured personality tests
Trait Theory
  • the search for the right taxonomy
Traits versus Situations
  • difficulties of trait theory | in defense of traits | interaction between person and situation | consistency as a trait | person constancy
Traits and Biology
  • personality and temperament | personality and the genes | personality and physiological arousal

ch18) Psychodynamic, Behavioral, and Humanistic approaches | Review ch18
Psychodynamic Approach
  • personality structure and development: the Freudian account | personality and patterns of defense: psychoanalysis after Freud
Behavioral Approaches to Personality
  • radical behaviorism | social learning theory
Humanist Approach
  • major features of the humanist movement | evaluating the humanist movement
Taking Stock

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