• Behavior Modification: What It Is and How to Do It, 4th Ed.
    Garry Martin, Joseph Pear
    1992 (orig 1978) | Prentice Hall NJ
  • not in library
  • Behavior Modification CONTENTS
PART I The Behavior Modification Approach

(theoretical foundations)
PART II Basic Behavior; Principles and Procedures

(making program)
PART III Some Preliminary Considerations to Effective Programming Strategies
PART IV Dealing with Data
PART V Putting it all Together

PART VI Behavior Modification: A Rapidly Growing Concern

PART I) The Behavior Modification Approach
ch1) Introduction
ch2) Areas of application: an overview
PART II) Basic Behavior Principles and Procedures
ch3) Getting a behavior to occur more often with positive reinforcement
ch4) Decreasing a behavior with extinction
ch5) Getting a New Behavior to occur: An application of Shaping
ch6) Developing behavioral persistence through use of Intermittent Reinforcement
ch7) Types of Intermittent Reinforcement and Decrease Behavior
ch8) Doing the right thing at the right time and place is a matter for Stimulus Discrimination Training
ch9) Developing appropriate behavior with Fading
ch10) Developing and maintaining behavior with Conditional Reinforcement
ch11) Getting a new behavior to occur with Behavioral Chaining
ch12) Transferring behavior to new settings and making it last: Generality of Behavioral Change
ch13) Eliminating Inappropriate Behavior through Punishment
ch14) Establishing a Desirable behavior by using Escape and Avoidance Conditioning
ch15) Procedures based of Principles of Respondent Conditioning
PART III) Some Preliminary Considerations to Effective Programming Strategies
ch16) Short-Cut tactics with stimulus control: Instruction, Modeling, Guidance, Situational Inducement
ch17) Alternative Strategies for decreasing behavior
PART IV) Dealing with Data
ch18) Behavioral Assessment: Initial considerations
ch19) Direct Behavioral Assessment: What to record and how
ch20) Doing Research in Behavioral Modification
PART V) Putting it All Together
ch21) Designing a program to overcome a behavioral handicap
ch22) Token economics
ch23) Helping an individual to develop Self-Control
ch24) Systematic Self-Desensitization
ch25) Cognitive Behavior Modification
ch26) Areas of Clinical Behavior Therapy
PART V) Behavior Modification: A Rapidly Growing Concern
ch27) Giving it all some perspective: A Brief History
ch28) Ethical Issues

  • Behavior Therapy: Concepts, Procedures and Applications
    Geoffrey L. Thorpe, Sherl L. Olson, Toronto
    1990 | Allyn and Baco, MA
  • Behavior Therapy CONTENTS
  • not in library
  • Self-Directed Behavior: Self-Modification for Personal Adjustment, 6th Ed.
    David L. Watson, Ronald G. Thorp
    1993 | Brooks/Cole Pacific Groove California | Woodsworth Inc
  • Self-Directed Behavior CONTENTS
  • not in library

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