Organization Behavior and Analysis: an integrated approach. 3rd edition
Derek Rollinson. Prentice Hall, 2005 (1st ed 1998)

Section 1: Introductory Concepts

Section 2: Individual Differences

Section 3: The Interpersonal Level (Individual Processes)

Section 4: The Interpersonal Level

Section 5: Organisational-Level Characteristics and Processes

  • The World of Work: An Introduction to Industrial/Organizational Psychology in Canada
    Allan Auerbach, WLU Waterloo
    1994 | Dushkin Publishing Group
  • The World of Work CONTENTS
  • organizational/industrial psychology notes
  • organization psychology summary notes
  • instructor: Allan Auerbach

Power, Greed, Truth: Jounral of Societal-Political Narcissism
Political Social Dynamics Research (2016,2017 - Riga, Latvia)
  • A journal exploring the struggle to maintain democracies. Something felt really off in a larger sense to me. But what? I started exploring American politics for the first time, and its relation to Russian politics.
Job Satisfaction Report
Job Satisfaction for Self-Employed versus Non-Self_Employed Individuals (1993)
  • Social psychology research paper
  • The purpose of this study will be to explore if there are differences in job satisfaction experienced by self-employed professionals versus hires professionals. Job satisfaction was measured with a mail survey containing “Jog Involvement Scale”. Job involvement is a form of work autonomy which leads to intrinsic job satisfaction. It was predicted that self-employed professionals have greater job satisfaction.

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