Life and Death in Dievs

Human being consists of 3 parts:
1) Miesa (flesh)
your body
taken care of by Māra
2) Dvēsele (soul)
comes from Dievs
goes back to Dievs when you die
3) Velis (astral body)
an intangible astral body, ghost, considered to be part of earth
Dievs (the ultimate creator)
bestows soul on human at birth
retrieves soul of human after death
Māra (the mother of earth)
takes care of body in this life and in after life:
Māra takes care of body in this life
A part of Māra, the Veļu māte (Mother of Shadows/Ghosts) takes care of velis
What happens when you are born?
Soul bestowed on you by Dievs at birth
Body is taken care of by Māra
What happens after you die?
Soul returns to Dievs
Body eventually disintegrates
Velis continues to lead a life very similar to the individual's previous existence amongst the living. Veļu māte (Mother of Shadows/Ghosts) maintains the Velu Valsts (Country of Shadows/Ghosts) by presiding over the bodies of the deceased.
1) Death is not feared by Latvians
It is simply considered a transition from life on Earth (under this sun) to life in Country of Shadows (under the other sun)
2) Veļi are invited to return once a year for a visit and feast on a prearranged day during Veļu Laiks (in fall on ancient Latvian calendar)
Life and Death
Aryanancient Latvian
bornbadneutral - predisposed for good
deathdoomsdaynot fear
life after deathExtreme good or bad. Determined by behaviour on earth. Christian "saved" from doom.>Continues on in same manner as on earth.