Beliefs rooted in ancient Latvian philosophy

Natives living geographically in Latvia
symbolic script
sun - drawn as circle
fire - drawn as cross with equal length arms
both were very important
Main deities female
physical female and maternal ideas respected and nurtured
grass-snake worshiped
passing of soul at death to another body either human or animal
anthropomorphic gods
The Invaders
The indo-european invasion was done by the Aryans. Surprisingly, it is unclear who these people were or where they lived, other than somewhere in today's Afghanistan. The only thing consistent is that they brought with the following in their indo-european invasion:
1)Information of natural phenomenon - Much represented in Old Hindu mythology accepted by Latvians
2)Skillsaccepted by Latvians
3)Patriarchrejected by Latvians

OLD HINDU INFLUENCE (pre-Vedic 2,500 BC)
Philosophy before Aryan influence (influence Latvian philosophy)
Philosophy after Aryan influence (influence Hindu and India today)
Sanskrit (language of Old Hindu still alive today)
The following was adopted by ancient Latvians:

Dievs is in everything (Brahma)
all things are part of a greater, whole One called Brahma (neuter -> later masculine)
>therefore all beings and things (gods and demons, humans, pebble on beach) are part of this one.
Dievs is heaven & sky (Dyaus)
Old Hindu Dyaus. Sky personified as anthropomorphic deity
How Dievs works. Dievs as creator
Indian Dievs
Spiritual world
Indian Zemes Māte (earth mother)
Material world
Jantra: when spiritual world combines with material world -> get good luck

Simplest Jantra - 2 triangles pointed up and 1 triangle pointed down


Dieviņš gāja rudzu lauku
Ar pelēku mētelīti;
Pretīm gāja mīļa Māra
Še būs laime pļāvējam. 32534

Sauļotais stabs (the sunlike pole)
post for supporting building
all over indo-europe - much in Latvia before German colonization
a jantra with a saule in the middle
Ļauna diena priecājās,
Redzēj mani panīkušu;
Man' Dieviņš atspaidīja
Ar sidraba atspaidēm. 9230

Life (saule) is when the spiritual (Dievs)
meets with the material (Māra)

Indian Sūrya (Saule)
Surya goes across sky opposite moon (later in a wagon drawn by horses)
representative of female personality and characteristics esp. maternal
represents all aspects of life and therefore is very important
Indian sacredness of cow (Mārsava)

Language Chart
Latvian, Lithuanian and Old Prussian come from the Baltic family of Indo-european languages. Latvian and Lithuanian are still living languages, while Old Prussian no longer exists.