Synthesis of Ancient Latvian philosophy

Assimilation of pre-2000 BC matriarch structures in Latvian territory with Old Hindu language (Sanskrit) and Old Hindu philosophy before Aryan influence. Communicated through symbolic script (raksti) and song (dainas).

Summary of collective beliefs after invasions

definition 1) all beings & things are part of Dievs (neuter Brahmin - Indian)
definition 2)is the heaven -sky (Dyaus - Indian)
How Dievs works
When spiritual world combines with material world, get good luck (Indian Jantra)
Life (saule) is when the spiritual (Dievs) meets with the material (Māra) (sunlike pole -Indian)
Extremely important. Represents lifeand all things female. Travels across sky with moon. Symbolic script is a circle.
Sacredness of certain animals
she-elk(deer) (Latvian), grass-snake (Latvian) , cow (Indian)
Moving on to another form after death (Latvian & Indian)
Female gods.
Anthropomorphic gods.
Personification of phenomenon
Extremely important. Symbolic script is a cross with equal length arms.
From the above, an ancient Latvian philosophy was created, which is now documented with symbolic script (raksti) and in songs (dainas).

Basic principles and assumptions

1) Monotheist polytheism
One god who can represent itself through other gods. Is overall god, not 'highest' god
2) Personification of phenomenon
3) Dievs rules = Natures rules
One learns how to work with nature by observing and respecting nature.
4) Maternal ideas
Latvians rejected Aryan patriarch system (men rule). In fact they reject the idea of anarchy in principle. Matriarch seems an oxymoron, as men rule while women nurture, it is believed. One can nurture change (feminine characteristic) or force change (masculine characteristic). So society is nurtured, not ruled.
Structure of ancient Latvian philosophy
All things are part of one, Brahma (who is now male). Brahma is thought of as most important and therefore is on top. A strong structure must support Brahmin....everyone, everything has its place...certain human mortals will decide fate...
Brahmin (priests-aristrocrats)
Kshatriya (warriors - Latvian "kara vīri" war men)
Vaishyas (in charge of commerce, farming, trade - Latvian "Valdība")
Shudras (job to serve others - Latvian "skudras" work ants)
(Women, peasants, the land)
All things are a part of one, Dievs (neuter), and therefore everyone and everything is equally important. It is important to nurture growth within yourself so you can nurture growth around you, and hence keep the whole Dievs healthy.

To understand how to do this you observe nature, and respect everything she offers. The tree is the most important learning tool. The more you observe a tree, the more complicated it becomes, and to many starts becoming sacred. Then one starts asking why is it there, why is this tree growing and the other dying... In the dainas, trees are popular metaphors for natural processes, while the saules koks (sun tree) explains devine processes.

Saule (sun) represents life
Saules koks (sun tree) is the devine structure of life (a life tree)
Saules koks is life in heavens (sky) (Dievs like Dyaus)
Dievs is also a part of everything and therefore in everything (Dievs like Brahma)
Therefore saules koks can represent life in everything else as well.
So there is a dual representation of Dievs and hence the saules koks in the dainas.

Summary - In the dainas, trees are mentioned in the following ways:
1) As metaphores for natural processes
2) Saules koks as devine processes in the heavens (sky)
3) Saules koks as devine processes in everything       Saules koks representing life on earth are often red (blood) with no reference to other celestial symbols

Saule as deveine motive to live

Saule (sun) - represents life
Dievs does not appear in the sun. Saule is the concept of life. The essence of Dievs is the essence of life. One can only maintain the essence of life by nurturing factors that promote life. These must be respected. Spending time contemplating the sacredness of the concept serves no practical purpose. Hence, you do not find "Saules churches" or "Saules shrines" or other places of worship for Saule in Latvia.
Māra's church
Is where you go to show respect to Dievs. Dievs appears as Māra in all things on earth. So Dievs is everywhere on earth - hence the name Māra's church. You can show respect to Dievs by simply raising your beer mug and saying something like "Here's to Laima!". Or is you prefer to be more solemn, a group of oak or birch trees is considered appropriate. Notice the tree metaphor. The tree is the shrine. Dievs already has built special places of worship for everyone.