Journal - "Persons' Soul"
Cilvēka Dvēsele - Ilmārs Slāpiņš (read by Mārtiņš Daugulis)
cilveka dvesele << audio link

Persons' Soul (fairly literal translation by Anda Vitols)
A long long time ago, God created earth, and gifted all things a soul - beautiful and independent. So that all things had a motive, He gave these souls a life need to search for their souls. Bird's soul lived in silver clouds high in the sky. Fish's soul lived in black rocks by a spring, from which a stream starts. Ant's soul lived in highest hill behind seven seas. But Person's soul lived in the forest.

Bird felt, that something is calling him and waiting for him high in the sky, so in mornings tried to fly to this silver cloud. Even if it didn't happen, Bird was happy about its strength and freedom, that was achieved by such a flight. Fish felt, that in the black rocks where the stream starts is something close and loving, so in springtime swam upstream, trying to reach this place, where all streams start. Even if it's not achieved, Fish was happy, that can occupy new place, where water is cleaner and tastier. Ant felt, that her assignment is to build the highest hill, so without whining or fatigue kept gathering even smallest twigs, forming her hive that was to resemble a hill. Even if she did not succeed, she continued building, hoping, that her work will be right and be finished.

But Person's soul lived in the forest - deep, dark, denseness, between trees and grass, between moss and lindenberry bushes. At autumn, Person went to the forest and was happy about fallen leaves, gathered mushrooms and berries. At winter Person was thankful to forest for firewood, that he brought home and burned in stove, heating up room quietly, like sunset song with gentle love. At spring Person listened, how birds sing in forest and buds grow, knowing and happy that life starts from new and continues. At summer, he often sat in forest, needingly breathing crisp and calming forest smell. Person felt, that in forest lived something close and important, but did not know where to find it.

After hundreds and thousands of years. Birds, fish and ants continued there paths - they were born, lived and died, but every time from new over and over searched for the place, where lived their souls. Only People moreover chose to live in their homes. They had fridges, where they stored bought lemonades and preserves, so increasingly less headed to forest for berries. People's homes had central heating so firewood was no longer needed. Peoples homes had televisions and compact disk players, where the most beautiful girls sang louder and more colorful than birds in the forest. People had cars and trains, cities and theaters, so they had no reason to think about, that air, that they breathe, already long ago; no longer smells as something close and important.

People built airplanes and were able to lift themselves high in sky, so high, that even the most able bird could not reach. People found far-away lands and marked on maps where rivers met, that which even the most diligent fish could not get too. People climbed highest mountains and placed flags on top, which even the strongest ants were not even able to dream of. Even so, People were not content. Only sometimes, when lost or completely confused, People came to forest depths, and in that moment of confusion, sat beneath a tree and felt - that it is somewhere right close, somewhere behind their backs, breathing right in their face. Person's soul. Beautiful and independent.
translation by Anda, June 2011

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