Journal - "Reaching Truth and Beauty"

Quadrivium: the original academic approach to understanding natural phenomenon.
"Our soul, which is proven to be immortal by Socrates in the Phaedo, comes from a position of complex knowledge prior to being born into the body. Re-membering - the point of education - literally means putting the separate members back into a wholeness. The goal of studying these subjects was to climb back (up) to Unity through simplification based on the understanding gained by engaging in each area of the Quadrivium. The goal lay in finding their source (traditionally this was the sole purpose for knowledge)."
<Quadrivium: the four classic liberal arts of number, geometry, music, & cosmology. Walker & Company, 2010, New York>
This was from the forward. I find this book extremely inspiring and interesting. I read it often as it is easy to apply to creative ideas.
Here's how the forward begins:
"The Quadrivium was first formulated and taught by Pythagorus as the Tetraktys around 500 BC, in a community where all were equal, materially and morally, and where women had equal status to men. It was the first European schooling structure that honed education down to seven essential subjects, later known as the seven liberal arts.
     The word 'education' comes form the Latin educere meaning 'to lead out', pointing to the central doctrine that Socrates, under Plato's pen, elucidated so clearly - Knowledge is an inherent and intrinsic part of our soul structure. .... All these studies offer a safe and reliable ladder to reach the simultaneous values of the Truth, the Good, and the Beautiful. This in turn leads to the essential harmonious value of Wholeness.

So how does a creative mind work? Here's another take on it:
We are not status quo. We are not rebellious either. We are connected on many dimensions, to Nature, the Whole. So we are happy, peaceful, respectful and unconditionally loving. We are the scientists, engineers, artists, designers, athletes and others with highly developed skills, with a motive to keep things beautiful. The childlike essence of playfulness is key, as we come to the earth-sphere all-knowing, and quickly lose it, only to spend the rest of our lives re-learning it. Known and discussed since humans were able to pass ideas on.

As an acorn grows into a grand oak, so too we all grow into something grand. How does it happen? What is it to be grand? The following rally cry of Latvian Art Directors Club (LADC), sums up much of what I feel:

Humanity is founded on those who create. On those who believe in their hearts, as opposed to the opinion of the majority. On those who prepared to quit the comfort zone and head off to destination where noone has ventured. Each of us harbours a revolution waiting to happen. Everyone was born to create archetypes. To build pyramids and discover new worlds. You walk through life with a heart of questions and a backpack full of opportunities. Help your biographer! Create, err, try, screw up, and fight. Don't waste the wonderful opportunity to live. Don't sit there and become a researcher of human life, an observer of the world, a commentator, one of those who only exist to say: "See, what did I tell you! I knew it was going to end in failure!" The world has enough unpublished poets, bar fly millionaires, kitchen geniuses and sauna generals. There are enough of those who come up with mighty ideas on Friday evening, but who lack the courage to realize them on Monday. We have enough of those who don't know what it means to work, to invest their entire soul into an idea, to defend it as they would defend their child, suffer, fight, and ultimately succeed.


Cilvēce balstās uz tiem, kas rada. Uz tiem, kas tic savai sirdij, nevis vairākuma viedoklim. Uz tiem, kas gatavi pamest komforta zonu un doties turp, kur neviens vēl nav bijis. Jo ikviens no mums sevī nes nerealizētu revolūciju. Ikviens ir dzimis, lai radītu šedevrus. Lai celtu piramīdas un atklātu pasaules. Tu ej pa dzīvi ar jautājumu pilnu sirdi un iespēju mugursomu. Palīdzi savam biogrāfam! Radi, kļūdies, mēģini, izgāzies, cīnies. Bet neiznieko brīnišķīgo iespēju būt dzīvam. Nesēdi un nekļūsti par citu cilvēku dzīves pētnieku, par pasaules novērotāju, par komentētāju, par vienu no tiem, kas dzīvo tikai tādēļ, lai sacītu: „Redz, vai es neteicu! Tikpat tur nekas nesanāca!” Pasaulē pietiek nepublicētu dzejnieku, bāra letes miljonāru, virtuves ģēniju un saunas karavadoņu. Pietiek tādu, kas klāsta varenas idejas piektdienu vakaros, bet kuriem pirmdien tikpat pietrūks drosmes tās īstenot. Mums pietiek to, kas nezina, ko nozīmē strādāt, ielikt visu savu dvēseli idejā, aizstāvēt to kā savu bērnu, pārdzīvot, cīnīties un galu galā - uzvarēt.

Anda 2013

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