Journal - "Passion in Process"

Dec 28 2013

My 2014 new years resolution: passion, not perfection

Erin’s wipeout picture.
I don’t like to post wipeouts of “the kids”, because of the reaction of all that are not involved in any way, but self-righteously believe that they know everything, and start their “you should this and that… and you have to this and that… and you you you…” They present themselves as a saintly omnipotent god, and feel that their presence is a blessing for all. When I point out their delusion, they are stunned, and usually become even more arrogant, but most importantly, they never ever actually do or try anything themselves. Why is that?

Lets face it, Erin is a world champion already, in the vocation of her choosing. She is already successful. She does not need any of us to teach her anything, as she has it all figured out already. And the part she has figured out the best, is the part she is doing here. Dealing with blowouts, failures.

Erin is a self-professed perfectionist, so put everything into this race to make it perfect, and then blowing out, hurts, real bad. The body hurts, the pride much worse. I’ll assume, as I am not with her today, that her reaction to this failure, would be the same as it was when she was much younger: She will be an emotional mess for 60 minutes to 24 hours. Like Dala Lama says, emotions are like a wave, they come in and then they leave, quite naturally, so we do not need to do anything, but let them do their thing. After this, Erin will rethink what happened. Then she will be sad that things are not working out. Then she will ask herself why she is doing this. Then she will remind herself that it is because she loves what she is doing. Like a kid learning to ride a bike, the mere trying is the fun, the high. Kids do not care about wiping out. They just want to try all these new things. That’s the fun. That’s the passion. So the end goals are ideals of perfection; but the process is passion. With the reminder of this childhood wisdom, she will find a private place to regroup, and be good to go the next day.  

Interestingly, this is not a secret to Erin or other champions, but is the same for all of us. We all knew this growing up, and as adults need to remind ourselves. So presently, I remind myself, “live in the moment with passion”.

 Anda :D

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