Provides education content and coaching services.

Anda Vitols, Content Creator & Coach
Self Directed Coaching Program
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

© Anda Vitols 1996-2020 (research, content, graphics, logo & branding, cartoons, coding)
Education Content:
website: Self-Directed Coaching for Elite Athletes © Anda Vitols 1998
manual: Self-Directed Coaching Manual: Sport Performance Resources for Elite Athletes © Anda Vitols 2011
website: Self-Directed Coaching Program © Anda Vitols 2011-2020.
Coaching Services
Motor Learning & Performing Programs for Elite Athletes


Copyright statement for Anda Vitols.
Information may be reproduced without permission subject to the fair dealing provision and the exceptions set out in the Canada Copyright Act, R.S., c. C-30, s.1. The source or the work must be fully acknowledged. Information may not be re-distributed or stored for the purpose of serving through any other retrieval system without written permission by Anda Vitols. No guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied, is made about the value or stability of the information or links made herein. However, the reproduction of this work, in whole or in part, for the purposes of commercial use, resale or redistribution requires written permission by Anda Vitols.


Anda Vitols is referred to as "I" in this disclaimer.
Sport psychology is an ever-changing science. As new research and coaching experience broadens our knowledge, application of sport psychology methods change and evolve. I have used sources that I believe are reliable and valid. However, the possibility of human error or change in psychological sciences may occur. Hence, I do not warrant that the information contained herein is in every respect accurate and complete, and I am not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of this information. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with other sources. In summary, Anda Vitols, the author of this web site, accepts no responsibility for damages resulting from its use.

My academic studies in psychology along with my competitive water ski career, where the main influences in designing the self-directed-coaching method.
academic influence:

competitve waterski influence:

Waterloo ON Canada online N2L 3C5 
andavitols.sdc at
