(1996-2004) Web site graphics & animations
  • flash graphics & animations
  • 3D graphics & animations
  • 2D graphics & animations
  • Java coded FX
  • JavaScript coded FX
**note** Flash .swf files are not allowed on most platforms today. Google does not let me upload files to my drive in this format any more, for security reasons. People can easily script corrupt code onto the compiled .swf modules.
This was an awesome way of animating sites during this era. I have a .swf portfolio that can be viewed on old operating systems.

MUSEUM PIECE 1996-2004 www.anda.ca   (my home site)
These sites were developed 1996 through to 2004 at home on a windows server with a dial-in connection. Internet use was just beginning to become main-stream. The standards were not clearly defined and dial-up connections meant that graphics had to be modified to be as small as possible. I got my own proprietary site called www.anda.ca and enjoyed experimenting with animated design and interactivity, primarily using Active Server Pages on server and Macromedia Flash on client. I still own a very old iMac with a very old OS, on which the Skockwave Flash and web layout appear pretty much the same, but the javascript, java and DHTML no longer work. I wrote simple ASPs which still work well on home development servers. Someday, perhaps, I'll put together an old system, front and back, that supports these old gems.