(Self Directed Coaching Manual:-- Psychological Intervention Strategies Section:-- Learning and Performing chapter:-- Overview of Learning and Performing:-- Left Brain, Right Brain.)

As explained in the introduction, understanding how the left brain and the right brain function, are key to developing good learning and performing skills. In the physiology section, we saw that there are various areas in the brain and nervous system that perform movement and perceptual functions related to sport. We also saw that various pathways in the whole nervous system send specific information to the brain and nervous system. Learning and performing requires the successful integration of the whole nervous sytem. Structurally, in most humans, learning occurs in the left brain and performing occurs in the right brain. It is important to understand this, because you do not want one side of the brain to interfere with the other side. Ideally, they should compliment each other. Learning and performing requires using all facets of the brain in a cooperative way.

The human brain is divided into two halves which are simply called the left side of the brain and the right side of the brain. There are certain tasks which tend to predominate on one or the other side of the brain. In general, the left brain is the analyzer. It performs analytical activities that are processed logically and sequentially. Some things that the left brain is good at are logical and rational thinking, language, verbal self-instruction, math, planning and goal setting, and analysis of a complex skill that should be performed. The right side of the brain is the integrator. It controls complex activities where many factors are handles together, and it integrates components of a skill into a flowing movement. Some things that the right brain is good at doing are coordination, the excecution of complex movements in space, integration of complex skills into a flowing movement, intuition and creativity, and visualization.

Practically, the learning of skills and training requires the Analyzer. It finds the problems in technique and sends the information to the Integrator. In other words, it does the detection and correction part of coaching. Performing athletic skills requires the Integrator. Specifically, the corrections from the analyzer are integrated into the complex skill, and then performed in a completely coordinated and flowing way. In other words, the motor responses are run by the Integrator. The Integrator also performs tactical decisions of competitors and/or the environment. The chart "Left Brain - Right Brain" sums up the functions that the left and right brains perform.

Analyzer and Intergator Hi, we're the homunculi in your brain behind the controls. Our names are Analyzer and Integrator. As you understand how we do our jobs, we can work together to help you reach your personal best performances in sport.

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