Burnout in Elite Athletes. Burnout is defined along a continuum of low to high, so burnout is at one end of the continuum while actualization is at the other. Different models of burnout along with retroactive treatments are discussed. Proactive treatments, created by increasing protective factors and decreasing risk factors of burnout are discussed, along with an argument for more weighted use of proactive coaching methods for elite athletes.
Vitols, A., (1995, revised 1996). Unpublished term paper. Academic.
Self Directed Coaching Manual. This educational document attempts to structure research into a form that is meaningful for elite athletes. It is in layman's language, hopefully without too much loss in explicit content. Specifically, this manual provides a decision-making model for creating athletes' competitive programs. Scientific data available in motor learning, performance and other aspects of sport psychology is presented, along with suggestions on where to find more information. Overviews of the relevance of each section, and many diagrams and tables are an attempt to make it more user-friendly.
Content and organization completed in 1996. Currently writing for publication.
Vitols, A., Educational.
Towards a Unified Coaching Theory. This paper is an academic explanation of the "Goal Setting Section" in the "Self Directed Coaching Manual." It is not completed as of this writing.
Vitols, A., Academic.

"Academic" means that psychological terms and references are used.
"Educational" means that the material is for teaching purposes.

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