affirmations to GET THROUGH "NO" MOMENTS
How to Feel Safe
- What to do when Panicky
- If Fear -> see sunlight
- In moments of fear, see sunlight - One Infinite Power shining on me -> fear like passing clouds.
- I am not my fears. I am safe -> choose love over fear. How? Start day with silent connection to heart -> when afraid -> open heart to let love dissolve fear.
- If difficult ->trust Universe
- Born a beautiful trusting soul -> IF difficult THEN 1) anchor thoughts in trust and love 2) guidance from Universe - trust process of life 3) stay in present - choose clear, simple, positive thoughts
- If controlling -> trust flow (process of Life)
- IF feel no control THEN affirm/create own security by trusting process of life
- specif: 1) IF things do not feel right -> “All is well, all is well, all is well” 2) IF urge to control -> “I trust the process of life” 3) IF natural disasters -> “I am in rhythm and harmony with movement of earth/nature”
- Support
- Everything for highest good
- With quiet mind (deep breath and repeat) “All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come, and I am safe!” -> now the Universe can find solution
- Trust Universe in Perfect Order
- The Universe is in perfect order. I am part of the Universe, therefore I trust my life in perfect Divine order. All is well in my world. All has order, rhythm, purpose
- Support (form Universe and all things on the Earth)
- I am neither lonely nor lost nor abandoned in the Universe. All of Life supports me every moment of ever day and night. Everything I need for a fulfilling life is already provided for me. There is enough breath to last me as long as I shall live. The earth is supplied with an abundance of food. There are millions of people to interact with. I am supported in every possible way. Every thought I think is mirrored for me in my experiences. Life always says yes to me. All I need to do is accept this abundance and support with joy, pleasure and gratitude. I now release from within my consciousness any and all patterns or beliefs that would deny me any good. I am loved and supported by Life itself.
Common Obstacles
- Fear of Unknown (-> expanding horizons)
- do
- IF accept Power/Intelligence in Universe is greater/brighter than me, AND on my side
- THEN can move to mental space where life can operate freely/easily.
- do not
- IF thinking is difficult, limited, shame-based, not good enough
- THEN limiting patterns -> cannot grow/change
- IF think that whole thing (think I’m it) THEN of course I’m frightened.
- Feeling Lost
- Stop panicky thoughts
- -> because nothing lost in Divine Mind. One Intelligence brings me what looking for in perfect time/space sequence.
- therefore: Am never stuck - cannot be lost, lonely, abandoned -> because dwell in Divine Intelligence
- Remind self who really are: a Divine, magnificent, expression of life, created by loving, infinite intelligence.
- All is well.
- Barriers (are teachers, are dissolving)
- barriers, blocks, obstacles, problems >
- are teachers: Opportunity to move out of past -> Totality of Possibilities
- are dissolving: I stretch mind -> think of highest good imaginable
- -> As my mind conceives more good, barriers/blocks dissolve (miracles pop out of blue)
- how: Give myself permission to do nothing -> open up to Divine Wisdom,
because am student of life, & I love it.
- Lessons (are normal)
- def.
- Are here to learn lessons. Learn one, onto next.
- Love hidden in each lesson.
- what learning
- Am learning relationship between my thoughts <-> experience.
- Am doing best with knowledge/understanding I have.
- how
- Learning “lesson”
- do be willing to change
- do not resist, deny, get angry, build walls
-> because eventually will have to learn lesson anyways
- What changes:
- do change temporal human self
- do not change higher spiritual self (is changeless, eternal)
Getting Through Difficult Situations
- IF in negative situation THEN
- “I am willing to release pattern in my consciousness that contributed to this condition.”
- IF made bad choices in past THEN
- does not mean that are bad person
- not stuck in negative choices -> can choose to
- let go of old judgements
- -> make more supportive choices
- IF complain, mad at self/others THEN
- is one way to handle situation -> but do not change anything
- -> therefore think in positive ways to make change
- IF problem THEN
- remember it has a solution, and that too, is something I can deal with.
- “the present problem is a temporary thing to me. It is something I can work though
- “I am a good person. I choose to let go of feeling sorry for myself.”
- “I am willing to learn the lesson and open up to all the good the Universe has to offer.”
- “I choose to be willing to change.”
- “I accept the fact that I will not always know how things are to be worked out. I can trust and I can know. Everything is working out for the best. All is well.”
- “I choose to live my highest awareness”
- “I choose to move beyond where I was when I got up this morning and open myself up to something new”
- IF feelings THEN
- step 1) affirm feelings are symptoms,diagnostic tools
- feelings are thoughts in motion in body
- “I can heal what I can feel -> I must allow myself to feel my feelings”
- do not put judgement on feelings. People say “should not feel that way” because they dn know how to deal with those feelings
- step 2) Safe ways to express feelings:
- beat pillows, scream in car, play tennis
- heated discussion in front of mirror with people -- angry at | hurt by | afraid of
- -> look in mirror and tell them how you really feel -> get it all out
- -> when finished, “Okay, that is done, I release you and let you go”
- step 3) regroup
- Now, what do I believe about myself that created this? > because belittling, sabotage
- and what belief could I change so that I do not react with anger all the time?
- affirmation> repeat own values in mind - and connect w/love of Your Universe, not theirs
- do not listen to them
- do listen to Universe and those in synch with it
Catching repressions, addictions before they get out of control.
Mental Patterns That Cause Disease
- criticism -> arthritis
- anger & resentment
- anger -> boil, burn, infect body (from present situation)
- resentment -> tumors, cancer (from past situation - which can lead to current situation)
- guilt -> seeks punishment, leads to pain
- IF anger / resentment THEN
- babies - express anger freely -> later stuff anger = resentment (stays in body and eats away at it)
- => prison of self-righteous resentment - felt right to be angry because all things “they” did to me.
- soln. forgive: release need for resentment - let go
- because another person’s neg behavior does not matter anymore (it’s history - not my present)
- IF guilt / pain THEN
- IF guilt THEN
- as child, manipulated thru guilt “do not be like that. do not say that. no no no”
-> under heavy mantle of guilt, feeling “not good enough”
- soln. This is new day. Take back my power! love and accept self unconditionally
I value my freedom -> do not give or receive guilt
- IF pain THEN
- something that I am doing/thinking is not for the highest good - Am I angry @ myself / my body?
- soln. love dissolves pain -> therefore love self & body (from anger/fear -> love)
- IF criticism THEN
- used to scold/criticize myself because felt that would help me improve life (that’s how raised by family/community)
- -> but makes things harder to change/progress
- soln. IF self critical THEN immediately speak lovingly to inner child
- i.e. nourish myself with praise & approval thru the learning process
2 mental patterns contribute to dis-ease
1) FEAR:
- tension, anxiety, nervousness, worry, doubt, insecurity, no feeling good enough, unworthiness
affirmation> replace fear with faith
- impatience, irritation, frustration, criticism, resentment, jealousy, bitterness
affirmation> release anger using forgiveness
IF dis-ease THEN
- IF FEAR THEN replace with faith
- safety - in Universe
- answer - in Universe
- family - in Universe
- The whole is where I was born into, therefore I belong and am safe.
- Faith is “yes” Universe
- IF think poverty :( THEN Universe says yes to that
- IF think prosperity :) THEN Universe says yes to that
- therefore am “yes” person, in “yes” world, responded by a “yes” Universe
- IF ANGER THEN release with forgiveness
- step 1) accept past reality
- (denial, anger, depression, acceptance) Therefore now accept as part of your history.
- step 2) forgiveness
- in mind:
Take history you have accepted, and turn it into one that does not matter anymore. There is no more judgement on the issue (i.e. not saying good. not saying bad.), so it is no longer relevant today.
- in body:
May need to move to new environment (place/people) that support your new beliefs of yourself.Let the burden-free body heal in this new environment. Let yourself grow naturally, in self, relationships, prosperity.
- IF have dis-ease THEN
- step 1)
- Is it fear or anger?
- release thoughts
- replace with positive affirmations
- step 2) Love yourself affirmations
- do not criticize self/others -> breaks inner spirit :(
- do accept/praise self/others -> builds inner spirit :)
- step 3) Answers in Universe - affirmation
- Everything I need to know is revealed to me.
- Everything I need comes to me. All is well in my life.
- There is no new knowledge. All is infinite and ancient.
Healing Principles
- Transition
- release old, limiting beliefs (old fear syndrome - loneliness, anger, fear, pain)
- learn new affirmation (choose to move from fear to love)
- “I no longer need to be victim”
- choose thoughts/beliefs towards freedom
- take responsibility
- Responsibility
- Responsibility is not blame for our experiences (blame makes us feel guilty/wrong)
- Responsibility is power for our experiences
- power by using our thoughts in productive ways
- specif. power to respond to life, make changes, improve quality
Power in Me
- Power
- Power in my thoughts -> create sort of life I live
- powerless thoughts :(
- think self as victim, helpless, complaining, whining
- powerful thoughts :)
- ”I choose present moment to claim power of my thoughts and use them wisely”
- specif. thoughts
- that make me feel happy
- of gratitude/ appreciation for life
- “I am connected with the One Power and Intelligence that created me.
- “I am supported by Life, and I am Loved.”
- Authority
- “No person, place, or thing has any power over me, for I am the only thinker in my mind. As a child, I accepted authority figures as gods. Now I take back my power and become my own authority figure.”
- “I accept myself as a powerful, responsible being.”
- “I trust my own Inner Wisdom.”
- “I grow and blossom and entrust all my affairs on Earth to the Divine Source.”
- “All is well” - “Viss labi”
Dissolve Illness with Love
Bad Habits
- Release Habits
- When ready to let go of old patter -> becomes issue
- Issues - messages from deep inside that yearns to be loved
- ask Universe to help let go of fear -> help myself move to new understanding
- Created habit to fulfill a purpose
- do release old habit with love -> find more positive way to fulfill these needs
- dn “Oh, I want to get rid of that.” -release need to be perfect
- Addiction
- Heavy dependence on anything outside myself is “addiction”.
- ex. addicted to - drugs, alcohol, sex, blaming & judging people, illness, debt, being victim, being rejected
- Addiction - is giving up my power to substance/habit
- therefore “This is the moment I take my power back.” -> move beyond limitations
- -> positive habit
- knowing “Life is here for me.”
- “willing to forgive myself -> and move on.”
- I have an eternal spirit that has been with me, and it is here with me now.
- I relax and let go, & remember to breathe as I release old habits and practice new ones.
Symptoms of Mind in Body
- Immune System
- Believe that what I “pick up” depends on my consciousness
- therefore every day give self good does of unconditional love.
- bc immune system registers my thoughts and feelings
- dn believe
- “life is hard & I always get short end of the stick.”
- “I’m no good anyway, so what difference does it make?”
- -> immune system lowered -> more prone to “bugs” “germs” around at time
- do believe
- “Life is a joy, & I am lovable & my needs are always met.”
- -> immune system feels supported -> more easily fight off dis-ease
- Digestion
- I assimilate, digest, eliminate life perfectly.
- digest life with ease
- assimilate good in life -> make it true for me.
- My cells/organs know what to do
- -> I help by
- eating nutritiously
- clear, positive, loving thoughts
- Every body part has mental pattern. Stomach where ideas digested/assimilated.
- When new experience -> sometimes problems assimilating
- -> do choose thoughts that glorify my most essential/eternal being.
- Am Divine, magnificent expression of Life.
- Headaches
- Sometimes headache bc mental pattern: need to make ourselves wrong.
- -> therefore when headache ask
- How am I making myself wrong?
- What have I just done that I am putting myself down for?
- Listen to inner dialogue ->
- IF negative thought (ex. not good enough; doing something wrong)
- THEN recognize as old childhood pattern -> speak lovingly to myself/inner child
- ex. IF critical THEN
- I approve of what I see in myself.
- I am wonderful just as I am at this moment.
- ex. IF something pressuring me THEN look for ways to handle pressure differently
A review for me and my new spirit (by Anda Vitols)
My body and psychology function as is shown in the science of psychology. I see that it has these needs and hungers. They still need to be addressed, so that negative habits do not become addictions. As grown up, am free, physically and mentally, to move out of any negative space. So lets review what negative habits are, and how to avoid them, get out of them, so as not to get caught up in self-imposed cycle of doom.
A bad habit means addiction. The best is prevention. Check that not caught in too much drugs, alcohol; too much or too little eating, sex, people; too much destructive mind games, such as blaming and judging people, debt, being victim, being rejected.
Start with good immune system for body and mind. Give self good dose of unconditional love every day, and immune system will register these thoughts and feelings. “Life is a joy, and I am lovable, and my needs are always met.” Consequently, my immune system is supported, and more easily fight off dis-ease.
When ready to let go of habit, it becomes an issue in my mind. “Issue” is an entity inside that wants to be loved, but does not feel loved.
Go to a higher state, Universe, and remind myself how to let go of fear, and then how to pattern in a more healthy habit. Love dissolves fear. Safety is within the meridians of Oneness. When love self, the shining light inside, can right away see connection to the Universe, which I know from experience is always gentle and positively motivating. It is safe.
From there, I tell myself that my friendship with my habit is outgrown. I loved it, because it served some need. When the net results grew negative, I release my lovable friend. It’s time for both of us to move on. So never trying to fix myself, or trying to be perfect. What addiction is are friendships, and friendships cycle, as move from one life stage to another. Same for friends, and friends of habit.
If the habit is really getting nasty, yet I still continue to hold onto its friendship, I will start feeling guilty, ashamed, cowardice and weak. This is when there is much more power in the habit than in me. It’s a master-slave relationship. It requires Nature’s balance, and thank goodness, that’s exactly Nature’s strongest attribute. “Now is the time I take my power back,” to move with Nature’s Karma. I get internal strength to do this by forgiving myself for letting bad habit overpower me, and for thinking of myself as weak.
Forgiveness. Denial-anger-depression-acceptance. Acknowledge feelings. Feel angry and depressed as accept them as my personal history. That’s the goal. I know the facts, but place no judgement on the issue.
Now I have more strength, and can put in place a plan to evolve within Nature’s balance. So not replacing one habit with another, fueling the initial friendship habit. Is not about controlling, fixing. Is going to a higher space - set the tone, the big picture, and then flow, being fluid in the present moment.