OVERVIEW Specialize in
  1. Psychomentrics
  2. Judgement Audits
  3. Modeling Audits
  4. Foundational Psych-Social Demographic Analysis
Specifically, Psychometrics, are personality inventories that can be used in targeted marketing to change client behaviour. Judgement Audits use simulations to analyze reliability and validity of decisions-makers. This saves the organization money and/or ensures client fairness. Modeling Audits look at variable validity, to measure truthfullness of model representation.
  • Data Exploration, Modeling and Mining
  • Behavioural Statistics
  • R's Machine Learning Stack
  • Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)
  • Prompt Engineering

Analyses by Anda Vitols
Trait Analysis: The Big 5 Personality Inventory
The science behind creation of the 'Big 5 Personality Inventory'.
Exploring the personality trait, "Openness to Experience".
  • Modeling the 'Openness to Experience' Trait (2023-2024)
  • Let's apply the personality inventory, to further test the delineation of the Big 5 categories. We look at one of the personality traits in the dataset (openness to experience), and see how the other traits compare to it.
  • Procedures: logical regression / decision tree / knn / random forest
Compare Traits to Demographics
Comparing personality traits to socio-economic information from geographic regions.
  • Analysis of 4 Psychological Regions of the United States (2023-2024)
  • Now let's get real. Let's compare some regional demographic information to psychological profiles of different regions that have been collected from previous studies.
  • Procedures: contingencies / correlations / descriptives / frequencies / one factor ANOVA / linear & quantile regressions / hierarchical clustering
Blogs about Trait Analyses
HEXACO (big 6)
  • "Big Five" is a trait analysis tool used with big data for marketing and influence platforms. HEXACO adds another dimension to describe our traits. This dimension checks a person's motive to lie. This successfully addresses the weakest part of the original Big Five Scale.
  • How to Spot a Dishonest Person: The role of honesty-humility in personality (2023)
  • How Honest Are You About Your Religion?: A summary of chapter 8 of 'The H-Factor of Personality' (2023)

How Happy are People?
Using surveys to collect psychological data.

Do Elite Athletes Cluster Together?
Collecting demographic data from sanctioned data posted on the web.

How are People Using the Internet?
Using Google's search engine and 'Google Correlate' to collect trend and demographic data for analysis.

Data for Good
About 'Data for Good'
House of Friendship Datathon
  • To help House of Friendship with their community mission, we looked for patterns in demographics between their volunteers and donors.
  • House of Friendship Datathon (datathon 2019 - my report 2022)

Blogs by Anda Vitols
Blogs about Trait Analyses
How to Spot a Dishonest Person: The role of honesty-humility in personality(2023)
How Honest Are You About Your Religion?: A summary of chapter 8 of 'The H-Factor of Personality' (2023)
  • "Big Five" is a trait analysis tool used with big data for marketing and influence platforms. HEXACO adds another dimension to describe our traits. This dimension checks a person's motive to lie. This successfully addresses the weakest part of the original Big Five Scale.
Various Topics
My 2023 Scope:
COVID-19 Resources for Data Scientists (report: 2020)
How R fits into Corportate Data Projects (2019)

Reference Documents by Anda Vitols
Examples 2023
examples - sections 1, 2, 3 (2023) prepare data | describe data set | data modeling
examples - section 4 (2023-2024) data mining
  • Exploring tidyverse, piping and other tools that have become more intuitive and efficient for wrangling tasks. Delving deeper into modeling and mining. R is now fully integrated with non-proprietory apps, as well as having a whole set of publishing apps for document and application creation.
Examples 2019
examples 2019
  • One, two, and multivariate examples of continuous and discrete dimensions. Data wrangling. (2019)
  • Quick-look inventory of datasets, packages and special functions used for each example. (2019)
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